Dublin high school student population
Dublin high school student population

dublin high school student population

A list of enrollment by grade for non-public schools. Students transferring into or out of public schools, districts or the state. This report shows the number and rate of grade nine students who completed and passed all courses by subject area. Number and percent of public school students in student groups First Language Not English (FLNE), English Learners (Els), Students with Disabilities, High Needs, Low-income (2022 to present), Economically Disadvantaged (2015 -2021), and Low-income (prior to 2015). Percent of public school students by race and gender. Number of students by grade, including pre-kindergarten (PK), kindergarten (K) and special education beyond grade 12 (SP). Number of classes and average class size for each subject by race/ethnicity Number of classes and average class size for each subject by gender, Limited English Proficient and Low Income.

  • Class Size by Gender and Selected Populations.
  • This report provides the percentage of attrition by grade from the end of one school year to the beginning of the next for students enrolled in public schools, including charter schools, in the state. Number and percent of students completing at least one arts course by grade, student group and course subject.


    Salary total, full time equivalent (FTE) count and average teacher salary by district. Full time equivalent (FTE) count and percent of teachers in General Education, Special Education, Career & Vocational Education amd English Language Learning. Full time equivalent (FTE) count and percent of teachers for each subject and at each grade range. Staffing Data by Race/ Ethnicity and Gender Staffing Data by Race/ Ethnicity and Gender.Educator Preparation Stakeholder Survey Educator Preparation Faculty Race and Gender Educator Preparation Program Completers Educator Preparation Employment by Year Educator Preparation Employment by Program Educator Preparation Employment by Program Characteristics Educator Preparation Candidate Enrollment Next Generation MCAS Test Item Analysis.Next Generation MCAS Achievement Results.Average test item score, percent of students answering items correctly, percent of responses for each choice, and the correct multiple-choice answer.

    dublin high school student population

    Number and percent of students participating in the MCAS by each grade, subject and subgroup. Percent of students at each achievement level by grade and subject. Summary of annual measurable achievement objectives (AMAOs) for LEP students in public school districts receiving federal Title III funds Summary of accountability data for public schools and districts.

    Dublin high school student population